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& Financials

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Year to Date Financials
Standings as of Player Statistics

                           Conference Standings
LEE CONFERENCE Standings              As of Game # 18         LOW CONFERENCE Standings
         Div Pts  Wins GF  TmPts  Next Games                           Div Pts  Wins GF  TmPts  Next Games
1  WDB p T1*  27  13   94    625  CHU, TOR, T?                1  LV  D M1*  27  13   86    596  BEL, RCH, M2
2  OTT p D1*  26  12   80    576  BOS, MAR, D?                2  EDM p L1*  27  12   95    628  ANT, ARZ, L?
3  CHU p T2   25  12  113    685  WDB, CLA, T?                3  ARZ p L2   24  12   87  602.5  BRM, EDM, L?
4  TOR p T3   24  11   80  568.5  QUE, WDB, T?                4  STA   L3   19   7   46    439  CAR, ANT, L?
5  BOS p D2   23  11   86    592  OTT, PIC, D?                5  RCH   M2   18   9   59    483  NB, LV, M?
6  MAR p D3   23  10  100  643.5  HAM, OTT, D?                6  ANT   L4   18   9   47    449  EDM, STA, L?
7  CLA   T4   17   7   65  505.5  BUF, CHU, T?                7  BEL   M3   17   7   48  451.5  LV, FLO, M?
8  QUE   T5   15   6   58    481  TOR, BUF, T?                8  FLO   M4   16   7   51    472  PHI, BEL, M?
---                                                           ---
9  PIC   D4   12   4   35    402  BC, BOS, D?                 9  CAR   L5   14   6   34  396.5  STA, BRM, L?
10 HAM   D5    9   4   31  381.5  MAR, BC, D?                 10 BRM   L6   14   4   34    382  ARZ, CAR, L?
11 BC    D6    9   3   16  291.5< PIC, HAM, D?                11 NB    M5   12   4   29    373  RCH, PHI, M?
12 BUF   T6    7   2   24  360.5< CLA, QUE, T5                12 PHI   M6    9   4   26    355< FLO, NB, M?
                                   Tm Points Avg=  489.1 366.9= 75% (min)
OWNER Total Points:   1st: WL 1253,  2nd: PM 1115.5,  3rd: MF 1081.5
Clinched: L = League, C = Conference, D = Division, p = playoff spot
Standings are based on Points, Wins, Goals For, then Team Points. * Division winners are seeded 1-2 for playoffs.

                 Season Standings
 Div/RankTeam                  Owner   G  W  L  T  Pts   Pct   GF   GA  TmPts  Power
LEE CONFERENCE                                                                 Rank
D 1  OTT Ottawa Senators       CD      18 12  4  2  26  0.722  80   52    576     8
P 2  BOS Boston Bruins         HL      18 11  6  1  23  0.639  86   60    592     7
P 3  MAR Markham Waxers        PM      18 10  5  3  23  0.639 100   68  643.5     2
  4  PIC Pickering Power Plant TM      18  4 10  4  12  0.333  35   72    402    17
  5  HAM Hamilton Steelheads   SK      18  4 13  1   9  0.250  31   61  381.5    20
  6  BC  BC Strikers           LL      18  3 12  3   9  0.250  16   58  291.5<   24
L 1  WDB Woodbine Racers       WL      18 13  4  1  27  0.750  94   70    625     4
P 2  CHU Church St. Arenas     MF      18 12  5  1  25  0.694 113   59    685     1
P 3  TOR Toronto Maple Leafs   WY      18 11  5  2  24  0.667  80   64  568.5     9
P 4  CLA Clarington Toros      BS      18  7  8  3  17  0.472  65   64  505.5    10
P 5  QUE Quebec Nordiques      CW      18  6  9  3  15  0.417  58   59    481    12
  6  BUF Buffalo Sabres        FZ      18  2 13  3   7  0.194  24   62  360.5<   22

C 1  LV  Las Vegas Oddsmakers  TM      18 13  4  1  27  0.750  86   55    596     6
P 2  RCH Richmond Hill Stars   HL      18  9  9  0  18  0.500  59   68    483    11
P 3  BEL Belleville Bulls      BS      18  7  8  3  17  0.472  48   58  451.5    14
P 4  FLO Florida Gators        PM      18  7  9  2  16  0.444  51   66    472    13
  5  NB  North Bay Centennials CW      18  4 10  4  12  0.333  29   43    373    21
  6  PHI Philadelphia Flyers   LL      18  4 13  1   9  0.250  26   49    355<   23
D 1  EDM Edmonton Devils       WL      18 12  3  3  27  0.750  95   57    628     3
P 2  ARZ Arizona Blades        SK      18 12  6  0  24  0.667  87   60  602.5     5
P 3  STA St. Andrew's Raiders  WY      18  7  6  5  19  0.528  46   57    439    16
P 4  ANT San Antonio Crusaders CD      18  9  9  0  18  0.500  47   58    449    15
  5  CAR Carlton St. Pats      MF      18  6 10  2  14  0.389  34   58  396.5    18
  6  BRM Brampton Battalion    FZ      18  4  8  6  14  0.389  34   46    382    19
                                                              Avg        Avg
L=League Leader;C=Conf Leader;D=Div Leader;P=Playoff spot     59.3      489.1
"<" after TmPts = Team Points < min pts (75% of league avg)         75%=366.9

 Totals by Owner               Owner    G  W  L  T Pts   Pct   GF   GA  TmPts  Rank
                               BS      36 14 16  6  34  0.472 113  122    957     9
                               CD      36 21 13  2  44  0.611 127  110   1025     5
                               CW      36 10 19  7  27  0.375  87  102    854    10
                               FZ      36  6 21  9  21  0.292  58  108  742.5    11
                               HL      36 20 15  1  41  0.569 145  128   1075     4
                               LL      36  7 25  4  18  0.250  42  107  646.5    12
                               MF      36 18 15  3  39  0.542 147  117  1081.5    3
                               PM      36 17 14  5  39  0.542 151  134  1115.5    2
                               SK      36 16 19  1  33  0.458 118  121    984     8
                               TM      36 17 14  5  39  0.542 121  127    998     7
                               WL      36 25  7  4  54  0.750 189  127 > 1253     1
                               WY      36 18 11  7  43  0.597 126  121  1007.5    6
                                                              Avg        Avg
">" before TmPts = Top Owner in category                      118.7     978.3

 Averages by Division               W     L     T  Pts  Pct   GF   GA   TmPts  Power
LEE CONFERENCE                                                                 Rank
 DIIORIO DIVISION                  7.3   8.3   2.3 17.0 0.472 58.0 61.8 481.1  13.0
 TATONE DIVISION                   8.5   7.3   2.2 19.2 0.532 72.3 63.0 537.6   9.7
 MANGOS DIVISION                   7.3   8.8   1.8 16.5 0.458 49.8 56.5 455.1  14.7
 LIM DIVISION                      8.3   7.0   2.7 19.3 0.537 57.2 56.0 482.8  12.7

 Averages by Conference             W     L     T  Pts  Pct   GF   GA   TmPts  Power
LEE CONFERENCE                     7.9   7.8   2.3 18.1 0.502 65.2 62.4 509.3  11.3
LOW CONFERENCE                     7.8   7.9   2.3 17.9 0.498 53.5 56.3 469.0  13.7

 Average for League                 W     L     T  Pts  Pct   GF   GA   TmPts

TMHL                               7.9   7.9   2.3 18.0 0.500 59.3 59.3 489.1

           Year to Date Financials
                   $1,469.11 = Total Funds         $150.00 = To League Admin
                      235.00 = Total Shares        $5.6132 = Share Price
As of Game #18                            Net $     Fees+    Share $    Net    Season   Playoff Playoff
  Cd   Team                    Owner       Won      Fines      Won     Shares  Shares   Shares  #Wins
D OTT  Ottawa Senators         CD         $24.20    $60.00    $84.20      15       15
P BOS  Boston Bruins           HL         -$3.87    $60.00    $56.13      10       10
P MAR  Markham Waxers          PM        -$31.93    $60.00    $28.07       5        5
  PIC  Pickering Power Plant   TM        -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
  HAM  Hamilton Steelheads     SK        -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
  BC   BC Strikers             LL        -$80.00    $80.00     $0.00
L WDB  Woodbine Racers         WL         $80.33    $60.00   $140.33      25       25
P CHU  Church St. Arenas       MF         -$3.87    $60.00    $56.13      10       10
P TOR  Toronto Maple Leafs     WY        -$31.93    $60.00    $28.07       5        5
P CLA  Clarington Toros        BS        -$31.93    $60.00    $28.07       5        5
P QUE  Quebec Nordiques        CW        -$31.93    $60.00    $28.07       5        5
  BUF  Buffalo Sabres          FZ        -$63.18    $63.18     $0.00

C LV   Las Vegas Oddsmakers    TM         $52.26    $60.00   $112.26      20       20
P RCH  Richmond Hill Stars     HL         -$3.87    $60.00    $56.13      10       10
P BEL  Belleville Bulls        BS        -$31.93    $60.00    $28.07       5        5
P FLO  Florida Gators          PM        -$31.93    $60.00    $28.07       5        5
  NB   North Bay Centennials   CW        -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
  PHI  Philadelphia Flyers     LL        -$65.93    $65.93     $0.00
D EDM  Edmonton Devils         WL         $24.20    $60.00    $84.20      15       15
P ARZ  Arizona Blades          SK         -$3.87    $60.00    $56.13      10       10
P STA  St. Andrew's Raiders    WY        -$31.93    $60.00    $28.07       5        5
P ANT  San Antonio Crusaders   CD        -$31.93    $60.00    $28.07       5        5
  CAR  Carlton St. Pats        MF        -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
  BRM  Brampton Battalion      FZ        -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00

                               Totals    -$599.06  $1469.11  $870.05     155      155       0 Rewarded,
L=League Leader;C=Conf Leader;D=Div Leader;P=Playoff spot                                  80 Remaining

       Totals by Owner                    Net $     Fees+    Share $    Net    Season   Playoff
                               Owner       Won      Fines      Won     Shares  Shares   Shares
                               BS        -$63.87   $120.00    $56.13      10       10
                               CD         -$7.74   $120.00   $112.26      20       20
                               CW        -$91.93   $120.00    $28.07       5        5
                               FZ        -$123.18  $123.18     $0.00
                               HL         -$7.74   $120.00   $112.26      20       20
                               LL        -$145.93  $145.93     $0.00
                               MF        -$63.87   $120.00    $56.13      10       10
                               PM        -$63.87   $120.00    $56.13      10       10
                               SK        -$63.87   $120.00    $56.13      10       10
                               TM         -$7.74   $120.00   $112.26      20       20
                               WL        $104.53   $120.00   $224.53      40       40
                               WY        -$63.87   $120.00    $56.13      10       10

                               Totals    -$599.06  $1469.11  $870.05     155      155       0 Rewarded,
                                                                                           80 Remaining
Shares Distribution: Total Shares = 235
  Regular Season
       League Champion       25 x 1 =  25       =  $140.33
       Conference Leader     20 x 1 =  20       =  $112.26
       Division Leader       15 x 2 =  30       =   $84.20each
       Division 2nd place    10 x 4 =  40       =   $56.13each
       Playoff team           5 x 8 =  40       =   $28.07each
                               Total: 155       =  $870.05
       Victoria Cup Winner   25 x 1 =  25       =  $140.33
       Victoria Cup Finalist 15 x 1 =  15       =   $84.20
       2nd Round Win         10 x 2 =  20       =   $56.13each
       1st Round Win          5 x 4 =  20       =   $28.07each
                               Total:  80          $449.06