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& Year to Date Financials

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Year to Date Financials
Standings as of Player Statistics

           Conference Standings & Playoff Races
LEE CONFERENCE Standings              As of Game # 21         LOW CONFERENCE Standings
         Div Pts  Wins GF  TmPts                                       Div Pts  Wins GF  TmPts
1  MAR C D1*  30  14  106  711.5                              1  EDM L L1*  33  16  147  849.5
2  CHU D T1*  30  13  105  719.5                              2  LV  D M1*  28  13   78    613
3  CLA p T2   28  13  103    711                              3  ARZ p L2   28  12  108    722
4  OTT p D2   27  11   97  694.5                              4  RCH p M2   26  13  102    715
5  WDB p T3   27  11   97    692                              5  CAR p L3   26  12   74  607.5
6  BOS p D3   25  12   87  656.5                              6  FLO p M3   25  11   86  653.5
7  HAM p D4   23   9   65    576                              7  ANT p L4   22   8   75    623
8  PIC p D5   22  10   72    583                              8  NB  p M4   14   5   42    490
---                                                           ---
9  BC    D6   18   8   60    534                              9  BEL   M5   14   4   59    534
10 TOR   T4   10   5   47  503.5                              10 NYI   L5   12   3   21  354.5<
11 BEA   T5    8   2   27    386<                             11 STA   L6   10   5   39  458.5
12 QUE   T6    8   1   38  450.5                              12 PHI   M6   10   4   39    450
                                   Tm Points Avg=  595.4 446.5= 75% (min)
OWNER Total Points:   1st: Wally 1541.5,  2nd: Howie 1371.5,  3rd: Paul 1365
Clinched: L = League, C = Conference, D = Division, p = playoff spot
Standings are based on Points, Wins, Goals For, then Team Points. * Division winners are seeded 1-2 for playoffs.

                 Season Standings
 Div/RankTeam                  Owner   G  W  L  T  Pts   Pct   GF   GA  TmPts  Power
LEE CONFERENCE                                                                 Rank
  6  BC  BC Strikers           Leon    21  8 11  2  18  0.429  60   68    534    16
P 3  BOS Boston Bruins         Howie   21 12  8  1  25  0.595  87   78  656.5     9
P 4  HAM Hamilton Steelheads   Stephen 21  9  7  5  23  0.548  65   67    576    15
C 1  MAR Markham Waxers        Paul    21 14  5  2  30  0.714 106   65  711.5     5
P 2  OTT Ottawa Senators       Cosimo  21 11  5  5  27  0.643  97   86  694.5     7
P 5  PIC Pickering Power Plant Tom     21 10  9  2  22  0.524  72   83    583    14
  5  BEA Montreal Beavers      Massimo 21  2 15  4   8  0.190  27   63    386<   23
D 1  CHU Church St. Arenas     Matthew 21 13  4  4  30  0.714 105   69  719.5     3
P 2  CLA Clarington Toros      Bill    21 13  6  2  28  0.667 103   80    711     6
  6  QUE Quebec Nordiques      Carl    21  1 14  6   8  0.190  38   83  450.5    21
  4  TOR Toronto Maple Leafs   Winston 21  5 16  0  10  0.238  47   88  503.5    18
P 3  WDB Woodbine Racers       Wally   21 11  5  5  27  0.643  97   71    692     8

  5  BEL Belleville Bulls      Bill    21  4 11  6  14  0.333  59   78    534    16
P 3  FLO Florida Gators        Paul    21 11  7  3  25  0.595  86   78  653.5    10
D 1  LV  Las Vegas Oddsmakers  Tom     21 13  6  2  28  0.667  78   63    613    12
P 4  NB  North Bay Centennials Carl    21  5 12  4  14  0.333  42   67    490    19
  6  PHI Philadelphia Flyers   Leon    21  4 15  2  10  0.238  39   84    450    22
P 2  RCH Richmond Hill Stars   Howie   21 13  8  0  26  0.619 102   86    715     4
P 4  ANT San Antonio Crusaders Cosimo  21  8  7  6  22  0.524  75   61    623    11
P 2  ARZ Arizona Blades        Stephen 21 12  5  4  28  0.667 108   73    722     2
L 1  EDM Edmonton Devils       Wally   21 16  4  1  33  0.786 147   70  849.5     1
P 3  CAR Carlton St. Pats      Matthew 21 12  7  2  26  0.619  74   67  607.5    13
  5  NYI New York Islanders    Massimo 21  3 12  6  12  0.286  21   59  354.5<   24
  6  STA St. Andrew's Raiders  Winston 21  5 16  0  10  0.238  39   87  458.5    20
                                                              Avg        Avg
L=League Leader;C=Conf Leader;D=Div Leader;P=Playoff spot     73.9      595.4
"<" after TmPts = Team Points < min pts (75% of league avg)         75%=446.5

 Totals by Owner               Owner    G  W  L  T Pts   Pct   GF   GA  TmPts  Rank
                               Bill    42 17 17  8  42  0.500 162  158   1245     7
                               Cosimo  42 19 12 11  49  0.583 172  147  1317.5    5
                               Carl    42  6 26 10  22  0.262  80  150  940.5    11
                               Howie   42 25 16  1  51  0.607 189  164  1371.5    2
                               Leon    42 12 26  4  28  0.333  99  152    984     9
                               Matthew 42 25 11  6  56  0.667 179  136   1327     4
                               Massimo 42  5 27 10  20  0.238  48  122  740.5    12
                               Paul    42 25 12  5  55  0.655 192  143   1365     3
                               Stephen 42 21 12  9  51  0.607 173  140   1298     6
                               Tom     42 23 15  4  50  0.595 150  146   1196     8
                               Wally   42 27  9  6  60  0.714 244  141 >1541.5    1
                               Winston 42 10 32  0  20  0.238  86  175    962    10
                                                              Avg        Avg
">" before TmPts = Top Owner in category                      147.8     1190.7

 Averages by Division               W     L     T  Pts  Pct   GF   GA   TmPts  Power
LEE CONFERENCE                                                                 Rank
 DIIORIO DIVISION                 10.7   7.5   2.8 24.2 0.575 81.2 74.5 625.9  11.0
 TATONE DIVISION                   7.5   10.0  3.5 18.5 0.440 69.5 75.7 577.1  13.2
 MANGOS DIVISION                   8.3   9.8   2.8 19.5 0.464 67.7 76.0 575.9  13.8
 LIM DIVISION                      9.3   8.5   3.2 21.8 0.520 77.3 69.5 602.5  11.8

 Averages by Conference             W     L     T  Pts  Pct   GF   GA   TmPts  Power
LEE CONFERENCE                     9.1   8.8   3.2 21.3 0.508 75.3 75.1 601.5  12.1
LOW CONFERENCE                     8.8   9.2   3.0 20.7 0.492 72.5 72.8 589.2  12.8

 Average for League                 W     L     T  Pts  Pct   GF   GA   TmPts

TMHL                               9.0   9.0   3.1 21.0 0.500 73.9 73.9 595.4

Year to Date Financials
                   $1,480.00 = Total Funds         $150.00 = To League Admin
                      235.00 = Total Shares        $5.6596 = Share Price
As of Game #21                            Net $     Fees+    Share $    Net    Season   Playoff Playoff
  Cd   Team                    Owner       Won      Fines      Won     Shares  Shares   Shares  #Wins
  BC   BC Strikers             Leon      -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
P BOS  Boston Bruins           Howie      $24.89    $60.00    $84.89      15        5      10       2
P HAM  Hamilton Steelheads     Stephen   -$31.70    $60.00    $28.30       5        5
C MAR  Markham Waxers          Paul       $81.49    $60.00   $141.49      25       20       5       1
P OTT  Ottawa Senators         Cosimo     $24.89    $60.00    $84.89      15       10       5       1
P PIC  Pickering Power Plant   Tom       -$31.70    $60.00    $28.30       5        5
  BEA  Montreal Beavers        Massimo   -$80.00    $80.00     $0.00
D CHU  Church St. Arenas       Matthew   $109.79    $60.00   $169.79      30       15      15       3
P CLA  Clarington Toros        Bill       -$3.40    $60.00    $56.60      10       10
  QUE  Quebec Nordiques        Carl      -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
  TOR  Toronto Maple Leafs     Winston   -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
P WDB  Woodbine Racers         Wally     -$31.70    $60.00    $28.30       5        5

  BEL  Belleville Bulls        Bill      -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
P FLO  Florida Gators          Paul       $24.89    $60.00    $84.89      15        5      10       2
D LV   Las Vegas Oddsmakers    Tom       $166.38    $60.00   $226.38      40       15      25       4
P NB   North Bay Centennials   Carl       -$3.40    $60.00    $56.60      10        5       5       1
  PHI  Philadelphia Flyers     Leon      -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
P RCH  Richmond Hill Stars     Howie      $24.89    $60.00    $84.89      15       10       5       1
P ANT  San Antonio Crusaders   Cosimo    -$31.70    $60.00    $28.30       5        5
P ARZ  Arizona Blades          Stephen    -$3.40    $60.00    $56.60      10       10
L EDM  Edmonton Devils         Wally      $81.49    $60.00   $141.49      25       25
P CAR  Carlton St. Pats        Matthew   -$31.70    $60.00    $28.30       5        5
  NYI  New York Islanders      Massimo   -$80.00    $80.00     $0.00
  STA  St. Andrew's Raiders    Winston   -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00

                               Totals    -$150.00  $1480.00  $1330.00    235      155      80 Rewarded,
L=League Leader;C=Conf Leader;D=Div Leader;P=Playoff spot                                   0 Remaining

       Totals by Owner                    Net $     Fees+    Share $    Net    Season   Playoff
                               Owner       Won      Fines      Won     Shares  Shares   Shares
                               Bill      -$63.40   $120.00    $56.60      10       10
                               Cosimo     -$6.81   $120.00   $113.19      20       15       5
                               Carl      -$63.40   $120.00    $56.60      10        5       5
                               Howie      $49.79   $120.00   $169.79      30       15      15
                               Leon      -$120.00  $120.00     $0.00
                               Matthew    $78.09   $120.00   $198.09      35       20      15
                               Massimo   -$160.00  $160.00     $0.00
                               Paul      $106.38   $120.00   $226.38      40       25      15
                               Stephen   -$35.11   $120.00    $84.89      15       15
                               Tom       $134.68   $120.00   $254.68      45       20      25
                               Wally      $49.79   $120.00   $169.79      30       30
                               Winston   -$120.00  $120.00     $0.00

                               Totals    -$150.00  $1480.00  $1330.00    235      155      80 Rewarded,
                                                                                            0 Remaining
Shares Distribution: Total Shares = 235
  Regular Season
       League Champion       25 x 1 =  25       =  $141.49
       Conference Leader     20 x 1 =  20       =  $113.19
       Division Leader       15 x 2 =  30       =   $84.89each
       Division 2nd place    10 x 4 =  40       =   $56.60each
       Playoff team           5 x 8 =  40       =   $28.30each
                               Total: 155       =  $877.23
       Victoria Cup Winner   25 x 1 =  25       =  $141.49
       Victoria Cup Finalist 15 x 1 =  15       =   $84.89
       2nd Round Win         10 x 2 =  20       =   $56.60each
       1st Round Win          5 x 4 =  20       =   $28.30each
                               Total:  80          $452.77