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& Year to Date Financials

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Year to Date Financials
Standings as of Player Statistics
                                Conference Standings & Playoff Races

LEE CONFERENCE Standings                  As of Game # 21          LOW CONFERENCE Standings
          Div  Pts  Wins GF   TmPts                                          Div  Pts  Wins GF   TmPts
 1  BC  L D1*   35   16  131    814                                 1  EDM C L1*   32   15  102    730
 2  TOR D T1*   31   15  131    831                                 2  LV  D M1*   30   12   84    666
 3  BOS p D2    28   14   88  675.5                                 3  STA p L2    26   11   76  666.5
 4  BEA p T2    24   11   86  664.5                                 4  FLO p M2    25   11   73  620.5
 5  OTT p D3    22    8   71    610                                 5  RCH p M3    24   11   78    647
 6  QUE p T3    21    7   41  489.5                                 6  NYI p L3    24   10   86    669
 7  PIC p D4    20    8   72    653                                 7  CAR p L4    19    7   51    560
 8  MAR p D5    18    8   67  581.5                                 8  NB  p M4    19    7   43    502
---                                                                ---
 9  VIC   T4    16    6   41    486                                 9  ARZ   L5    16    8   43  506.5
10  HAM   D6    15    6   49    505                                10  PHI   M5    15    4   32    452
11  CHU   T5    15    6   35    450                                11  ANT   L6    12    4   31    445
12  WDB   T6    12    3   44    469                                12  ETO   M6     5    1    7    271<
                                       Tm Points Avg=  581.9  436.4= 75% (min)
OWNER Total Points:   1st: Winston 1497.5,  2nd: Massimo 1333.5,  3rd: Howie 1322.5
 Div/Rank Team                   Owner    G  W  L  T   Pts   Pct   GF   GA    TmPts  Power
LEE CONFERENCE                                                                       Rank
L 1   BC  BC Strikers            Leon     21 16  2  3   35  0.833  131   71    814       2
P 2   BOS Boston Bruins          Howie    21 14  7  0   28  0.667   88   66   675.5      4
  6   HAM Hamilton Steelheads    Stephen  21  6 12  3   15  0.357   49   62    505      16
P 5   MAR Markham Waxers         Paul     21  8 11  2   18  0.429   67   80   581.5     13
P 3   OTT Ottawa Senators        Cosimo   21  8  7  6   22  0.524   71   85    610      12
P 4   PIC Pickering Power Plant  Tom      21  8  9  4   20  0.476   72   70    653       9
P 2   BEA Montreal Beavers       Massimo  21 11  8  2   24  0.571   86   60   664.5      8
  5   CHU Church St. Arenas      Matthew  21  6 12  3   15  0.357   35   72    450      22
P 3   QUE Quebec Nordiques       Carl     21  7  7  7   21  0.500   41   54   489.5     18
D 1   TOR Toronto Maple Leafs    Winston  21 15  5  1   31  0.738  131   83    831       1
  4   VIC Victoria Cougars       Nick     21  6 11  4   16  0.381   41   56    486      19
  6   WDB Woodbine Racers        Wally    21  3 12  6   12  0.286   44   74    469      20

  6   ETO Etobicoke Eagles       Nick     21  1 17  3    5  0.119    7   72    271<     24
P 2   FLO Florida Gators         Paul     21 11  7  3   25  0.595   73   56   620.5     11
D 1   LV  Las Vegas Oddsmakers   Tom      21 12  3  6   30  0.714   84   48    666       7
P 4   NB  North Bay Centennials  Carl     21  7  9  5   19  0.452   43   52    502      17
  5   PHI Philadelphia Flyers    Leon     21  4 10  7   15  0.357   32   57    452      21
P 3   RCH Richmond Hill Stars    Howie    21 11  8  2   24  0.571   78   68    647      10
  6   ANT San Antonio Crusaders  Cosimo   21  4 13  4   12  0.286   31   63    445      23
  5   ARZ Arizona Blades         Stephen  21  8 13  0   16  0.381   43   69   506.5     15
C 1   EDM Edmonton Devils        Wally    21 15  4  2   32  0.762  102   68    730       3
P 4   CAR Carlton St. Pats       Matthew  21  7  9  5   19  0.452   51   56    560      14
P 3   NYI New York Islanders     Massimo  21 10  7  4   24  0.571   86   65    669       5
P 2   STA St. Andrew's Raiders   Winston  21 11  6  4   26  0.619   76   55   666.5      6
                                                                   Avg        Avg
L=League Leader;C=Conf Leader;D=Div Leader;P=Playoff spot          65.1       581.9
"<" after TmPts = Team Points < min pts (75% of league avg)              75%= 436.4

 Totals by Owner                 Owner    G  W  L  T   Pts   Pct   GF   GA    TmPts  Rank
                                 Cosimo   42 12 20 10   34  0.405  102  148   1055       8
                                 Carl     42 14 16 12   40  0.476   84  106   991.5     11
                                 Howie    42 25 15  2   52  0.619  166  134   1323       3
                                 Leon     42 20 12 10   50  0.595  163  128   1266       5
                                 Matthew  42 13 21  8   34  0.405   86  128   1010      10
                                 Massimo  42 21 15  6   48  0.571  172  125   1334       2
                                 Nick     42  7 28  7   21  0.250   48  128    757      12
                                 Paul     42 19 18  5   43  0.512  140  136   1202       6
                                 Stephen  42 14 25  3   31  0.369   92  131   1012       9
                                 Tom      42 20 12 10   50  0.595  156  118   1319       4
                                 Wally    42 18 16  8   44  0.524  146  142   1199       7
                                 Winston  42 26 11  5   57  0.679  207  138  >1498       1
                                                                   Avg        Avg
">" before TmPts = Top Owner in category                           123.2      1163.7
                                                                         75%= 872.8

 Averages by Division                  W     L     T   Pts   Pct   GF   GA    TmPts  Power
LEE CONFERENCE                                                                       Rank
 DIIORIO DIVISION                    10.0   8.0   3.0  23.0 0.548  79.7 72.3  639.8    9.3
 TATONE DIVISION                      8.0   9.2   3.8  19.8 0.472  63.0 66.5  565.0   14.7
 MANGOS DIVISION                      7.7   9.0   4.3  19.7 0.468  52.8 58.8  526.4   15.0
 LIM DIVISION                         9.2   8.7   3.2  21.5 0.512  64.8 62.7  596.2   11.0

 Averages by Conference                W     L     T   Pts   Pct   GF   GA    TmPts  Power
LEE CONFERENCE                        9.0   8.6   3.4  21.4 0.510  71.3 69.4  602.4   12.0
LOW CONFERENCE                        8.4   8.8   3.8  20.6 0.490  58.8 60.8  561.3   13.0

 Average for League                    W     L     T   Pts   Pct   GF   GA    TmPts

TMHL                                  8.7   8.7   3.6  21.0 0.500  65.1 65.1  581.9

Year to Date Financials
                    $1,460.00 = Total Funds          $150.00 = To League Admin
                       235.00 = Total Shares         $5.5745 = Share Price
As of Game #21                              Net $     Fees+    Share $    Net    Season   Playoff Playoff
  Cd   Team                     Owner        Won      Fines      Won     Shares  Shares   Shares  #Wins
L BC   BC Strikers              Leon       $162.98    $60.00   $222.98      40       25      15       3
P BOS  Boston Bruins            Howie       $23.62    $60.00    $83.62      15       10       5       1
  HAM  Hamilton Steelheads      Stephen    -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
P MAR  Markham Waxers           Paul       -$32.13    $60.00    $27.87       5        5
P OTT  Ottawa Senators          Cosimo     -$32.13    $60.00    $27.87       5        5
P PIC  Pickering Power Plant    Tom        -$32.13    $60.00    $27.87       5        5
P BEA  Montreal Beavers         Massimo     $23.62    $60.00    $83.62      15       10       5       1
  CHU  Church St. Arenas        Matthew    -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
P QUE  Quebec Nordiques         Carl       -$32.13    $60.00    $27.87       5        5
D TOR  Toronto Maple Leafs      Winston     $79.36    $60.00   $139.36      25       15      10       2
  VIC  Victoria Cougars         Nick       -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
  WDB  Woodbine Racers          Wally      -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00

  ETO  Etobicoke Eagles         Nick       -$80.00    $80.00     $0.00
P FLO  Florida Gators           Paul        $23.62    $60.00    $83.62      15       10       5       1
D LV   Las Vegas Oddsmakers     Tom         $79.36    $60.00   $139.36      25       15      10       2
P NB   North Bay Centennials    Carl       -$32.13    $60.00    $27.87       5        5
  PHI  Philadelphia Flyers      Leon       -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
P RCH  Richmond Hill Stars      Howie      -$32.13    $60.00    $27.87       5        5
  ANT  San Antonio Crusaders    Cosimo     -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
  ARZ  Arizona Blades           Stephen    -$60.00    $60.00     $0.00
C EDM  Edmonton Devils          Wally      $190.85    $60.00   $250.85      45       20      25       4
P CAR  Carlton St. Pats         Matthew    -$32.13    $60.00    $27.87       5        5
P NYI  New York Islanders       Massimo    -$32.13    $60.00    $27.87       5        5
P STA  St. Andrew's Raiders     Winston     $23.62    $60.00    $83.62      15       10       5       1

                                 Totals    -$150.00  $1460.00  $1310.00    235      155      80 Rewarded,
L=League Leader;C=Conf Leader;D=Div Leader;P=Playoff spot                                     0 Remaining

       Totals by Owner                      Net $     Fees+    Share $    Net    Season   Playoff
                                Owner        Won      Fines      Won     Shares  Shares   Shares
                                Cosimo     -$92.13   $120.00    $27.87       5        5
                                Carl       -$64.26   $120.00    $55.74      10       10
                                Howie       -$8.51   $120.00   $111.49      20       15       5
                                Leon       $102.98   $120.00   $222.98      40       25      15
                                Matthew    -$92.13   $120.00    $27.87       5        5
                                Massimo     -$8.51   $120.00   $111.49      20       15       5
                                Nick       -$140.00  $140.00     $0.00
                                Paul        -$8.51   $120.00   $111.49      20       15       5
                                Stephen    -$120.00  $120.00     $0.00
                                Tom         $47.23   $120.00   $167.23      30       20      10
                                Wally      $130.85   $120.00   $250.85      45       20      25
                                Winston    $102.98   $120.00   $222.98      40       25      15

                                 Totals    -$150.00  $1460.00  $1310.00    235      155      80 Rewarded,
                                                                                              0 Remaining
Shares Distribution: Total Shares = 235
  Regular Season
       League Champion        25  x 1 =  25       =  $139.36
       Conference Leader      20  x 1 =  20       =  $111.49
       Division Leader        15  x 2 =  30       =   $83.62each
       Division 2nd place     10  x 4 =  40       =   $55.74each
       Playoff team            5  x 8 =  40       =   $27.87each
                                 Total: 155       =  $864.04
       Victoria Cup Winner    25  x 1 =  25       =  $139.36
       Victoria Cup Finalist  15  x 1 =  15       =   $83.62
       2nd Round Win          10  x 2 =  20       =   $55.74each
       1st Round Win           5  x 4 =  20       =   $27.87each
                                 Total:  80          $445.96