Free Agents & Waivers
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Available Players as of last Activity.
Statistics as of Player Statistics.
NHL Ps Player Year/ Salary Pts to Last
Team Name Optn? $000s Date Contract
Waivers - player can be claimed up to end of contract at no salary to claimant
DET C Boyd Devereaux 2003N 0 11 200
MIN C Richard Park 2001N 0 0 200
TOR D Aki Berg 2001N 0 10 200
SAN D Marcus Ragnarsson 2001N 0 16 450
TAM D Petr Svoboda 2001N 0 4 350
DET G Ken Wregget 2001N 0 0 200
??? G Mikhail Shtalenkov 2001N 0 0 300
PHI L Dean McAmmond 2001N 0 30 400
CAL L Jason Botterill 2001N 0 0 200
WAS L Joe Sacco 2001N 0 14 200
Ret L Wendel Clark 2001N 0 0 1100
WAS R Joe Murphy 2001N 0 7 500
??? R Pat Falloon 2001N 0 0 280
PHO R Robert Reichel 2001N 0 0 200
Free Agents - player can be signed to a Free Agent contract at specified salary
Note: Year = Free Agent since
C Alexandre Daigle 2000 350 0 200
NYI C Craig Janney 2000 570 0 760
Ret C Dave Gagner 2000 530 0 710
TOR C Jason Bonsignore 2000 200 0 270
C Russ Courtnall 1999 490 0 650
PHI C Steve Washburn 1999 200 0 200
Ret C Wayne Gretzky 2000 2440 0 3250
DET D Aaron Ward 2000 200 9 200
NYR D Brad Brown 2000 200 4 200
WAS D Brendan Witt 2000 200 6 350
ATL D Chris Joseph 2000 200 6 200
Ret D Dave Ellett 2000 200 0 200
Ret D Fredrik Olausson 2000 450 0 200
COB D Jamie Pushor 1999 200 14 200
TAM D Jassen Cullimore 2000 200 7 200
D Jeff Brown1 1999 560 0 740
PHI D Luke Richardson 1999 200 9 200
D Mark Tinordi 1999 200 0 250
Ret G Andy Moog 1999 750 0 1000
Ret G Bill Ranford 2000 520 0 980
G Blaine Lacher 2000 1170 0 1560
WAS G Corey Hirsch 1999 680 3 900
VAN G Corey Schwab 2000 750 0 1000
WAS G Craig Billington 2000 1270 11 890
G Darcy Wakaluk 1999 920 0 1220
Ret G Grant Fuhr 2000 410 0 2650
G Jim Carey 1999 1430 0 1900
BOS G Kay Whitmore 2000 900 3 1200
CAR G Mark Fitzpatrick 2000 200 0 250
Ret G Ron Hextall 1999 440 0 580
G Tim Cheveldae 1999 750 0 1000
NYR L Andreas Johansson 2000 300 0 200
L Brian Bellows 1999 200 0 200
LOS L Craig Johnson 1999 240 9 200
NYR L Daniel Goneau 1999 220 0 290
OTT L Derek King 2000 340 0 940
PHI L Derek Plante 1999 200 3 530
Ret L Ed Olczyk 2000 200 0 260
Ret L Geoff Courtnall 2000 570 0 760
NYR L Jason Dawe 1999 200 0 210
CAL L Jason Wiemer 2000 280 18 420
ATL L Johan Garpenlov 2000 200 0 200
WAS L Michal Pivonka 2000 210 0 280
NYI L Mikael Andersson 2000 200 0 480
SAN L Murray Craven 1999 270 0 360
MON L Patrick Poulin 2000 200 20 240
NAS L Sean Haggerty 1999 200 1 100
NYR L Tim Taylor 2000 200 7 320
TOR R David Nemirovsky 1999 200 0 270
OTT R David Oliver 2000 200 0 260
ANA R Frank Banham 1999 200 0 200
COB R Kevin Dineen 2000 200 15 200
NYR R Scott Fraser 1999 200 0 200
Ret R Stephane Richer 2000 560 0 230
R Valeri Karpov 2000 200 0 100